The video clip shown here is not really manipulated by the strings from behind, however this is the real breakthrough of Bio-Engineering, giving the new hope for the heart attack patients.

The scaffold-like Matrix materials are the Bio-degradable materials, it serves to nurture the stem-cells by coaxing the growth of blood vessel, over-time it will be dissolving on its own and replacing by the living tissue. However the transplantation of this living stem-cells from Petri Dish to the heart patients must be quick, providing enough blood supply drawn from the host, and this has to thank to immune cells also called as Macrophages, once the stem-cells are inserted into these many pores-like scaffold structure, Macrophages starts to send the signal and elicit for the blood supply to grow.
As it can be seen, the stem-cells have been subjected to many test such as the one in shake test and getting stronger and more rigorous by the stimulus of the wire, though it is the test from the living rat. Researchers and scientists are optimistic about its efficacy in human test run. Besides that, researchers need to tweak the time for the scaffold to dissolve at better time and match the time for new cells to grow.
The contracting of scaffold is not done by magically, it is done by the "Cadiomyocte"- The Group of Heart Cells Muscle. The synchronous of the heart cells together will make the scaffold to bend and unfold.
My's Opinion- I am absolutely confident that researchers will soon triumph on their victory in the very near future, and this is also a great step forward of putting the life back again.
(Sat, 28-08-2010)
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