Undeniably, scientists are always seeking the unorthodox way to discover the ideas rather than putting the weighted points in attainment of the goal. These are the groups who constantly need the idea to gush forth in order for them to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the idea in the clinical trial. Take Mitral-heart Valve as an example. At the early stage, it was designed to replace the damage heart valve in human hear chamber, nonetheless due to its design has yielded the life-threatening condition, thus it has forcibly scientists to devise the Mitra-Clip to replace of it instead. The idea of Mitra-Clip was imitating those stitches to close the flap door in the heart- valve of a human, and it is because of its simplicity design, many heart patients have opted for this new therapeutic option besides it is less costly than the conventional open heart surgery.
Moreover, the discoveries are sounded more prominent than attainments when it is in the process for curing a disease and save-vital human life. Dr. Joseph who is also the author for the book of “The Powerful of Subconscious Mind” has credited the merit of subconscious mind in battling against the deadliest disease and win over the “War”. Inside his documentation, a several patients were diagnosed as a cancerous –carrier vessel has been fully recovered at the years span later. This phenomenon has harbored many physicians and scientists and they dubbed it as “Remission Therapy” in which the cancerous activity has been ceased to zero. The only plausible explanation which is given by Dr. Joseph is that, the subconscious mind is acting likes a powerful antidote when we place hope in recovering soon, they render the abnormalities to be inactive.
Nonetheless, the context in discoveries would be different for athlete. Athletes are a group who had to put in more measurable way in attainment than in discoveries solely. Their annual revenue, sponsorship, spokesman income is all greatly dependent on their regular performance which always marks the difference altitude in their career. The case of Michael Jordon is no less known to us, he is the iconic person in NBA history. MJ has even grabbed tons of title for himself, likes 10 All NBA first team designation, 3 best steals titles and 1988 best defensive player award. This has further yielded the endorsement from NIKE for the designated sneakers on “Air Jordon” which is still popular in commercialization right until now. If MJ was not the big shot in NBA, just a punk who played well in the street game, all this generated revenue of billion-dollars as a spokesman would not be wired into MJ account as his pocket money.
In conclusion, to gauge the importance of discoveries over attainment or vice-versa, it is largely dependent in the eyes of the endeavor and the field he engages in. Scientists, philosophical, economist and judiciary are all favors to evidence, idea and discoveries, meanwhile, endeavors like athlete, entrepreneur, politician are putting their calibers onto their respective field of interest. Therefore, as to which element is far more superior than other it does not really matter, what matter is given the stipulated time, both discovery and attainment could reach the final goal together.